Season 1/Year 1 in the Books! 200,000 total listens, and Ranked in the Top 2.5% of All Podcasts GLOBALLY!

Well its been a wild ride SnowJobs Nation! Year 1 of The SnowJobs Podcast is in the books, and what an incredible year it was gang! We started this podcast as just two Snow guys who loved talking snow with each other, and we figured maybe there were a few guys out there, who like us felt that there wasnt any snow removal based content out there. Neither of us knew anything about doing a podcast, but we got a little help and were able to record an episode. That first episode with James Doyle from Innovative Lawn and Landscape was the start, and because of all of you out there it took off like wild fire from there.
The snow pro community jumped on board with the show immediately, and with such huge and loyal support that it just took off. You guys listened every week, you recommended it to other snow pros, you posted about it on social media constantly, and you did whatever you could to help the show grow....And grow it did guys!
We did 74 episodes total in all our first year. Those episodes totaled over 200,000 total listens this year, and by the season finale episode your dedication to the show had us ranked by as a Top 2.5% rated podcast, out of over 3.1 MILLION podcasts out there! This is the truly amazing part gang, this is not a mainstream podcast, it is a very niche market one. And a SMALL niche market one. To have THAT many listens, and to be ranked that high after year one, is a huge testament to every one of you SnowJobs Nation members who got behind the show this year. You guys are the reason we are still doing this show, and why we Keep Pushing every week to bring you the best episodes and content we can. We cannot thank you all enough for your amazing support, but we will try to by continuing to build this thing we all now call SnowJobs Nation!
In the last year, due to you guys constantly wanting more and more, we have also released our "Dustings" series of episodes with the help of some extremely knowledgable and well known names in the snow management industry. Brandon Reilly of LADC, Mike Santolucito of Outdoor Pride, and finally Jordan Smith of Storm Equipment/VSI have all played a huge part in the success of these episodes, and the show in general. We couldnt have done this without their experience and their willingness to constantly give their time to the show and to all of you.
We also started our SnowJobs Nation Webinar/Web meeting series to help fellow snow pros get answers to questions they may have with the topic of the night. These have been extremely well recieved and will start back up again in April once everyone's busy winter season's wind down.
And finally, but we think by far the greatest thing about the last year is the network of people we have have the pleasure of meeting and putting together around the show. This thing we call SnowJobs Nation is real and grows in numbers every day. It has been a great honor and pleasure for us to be able to get you guys answers to your questions, and to point you in the direction of people who have those answers and help you connect with them. We are never alone out there doing what we do, even though sometimes it may feel that way. Someone out there is going through, or has gone through the exact equipment breakage, contract trouble, or site difficulty that you have. Being able to share these experiences with other snow pros is what makes us all better, and raises up our industry in general.
There is most definately strength in numbers gang, and SnowJobs Nation gets stronger every day. Your support has been overwhelming, and we cannot thank you enough. We look forward to bringing you great episodes and infomation in Season 2!
As always, everyone be safe out there, and Keep Pushing! We know we will!
Rick James & The Juice Box Guy